Since we have Journeys, I'd love for it to focus on the professor and leaders since the game's subplot revolves around them more than it does the protagonists.
Calling Earth "the real world" ignores the premise. Earth is openly acknowledged as another world different from his own by both Giovanni and Willow, and is part of the line blurring of the AR experience. It has the potential to be a subtle mindfuck without being pretentious.
>>50936530That almost makes sense. According to Willow, Candela preferred planning her strikes carefully. For these reasons, she'd make a better scout or a Poke-G Man type of infiltrator on behalf of her colleagues considering that she was already struggling to repress her urge to run away and handle Arlo herself.
Spark is more of a heavy hitter, high energy, first strike Marine type (which actually got him into trouble with Sierra). He'd definitely be the frontliner, but not the best scout.
Blanche being on strategic defense duty from home base sounds legit. They're apparently an indoor person as it is.
Honestly, I think it'd be fine as an anipoke-for-adults offshoot for the nostalgiafags who play Go, and adults who got into Pokemon via Go.