>>50974887Fuck I wish I hadn't read that. All in all I only did meth for a few months and never stayed up more than 5 or 6 days. When you have shit meth eventually it fails to keep you awake and horny. People who stay awake 30 days or more are smoking good stuff not darkweb trash. My only relapse came when corona virus first started spreading and I decided to do some meth again just in case the world was going to end and I'd never get it again. I just ended up in the hospital for a panic attack because I couldn't handle drugs anymore and went past all sanity.
It changed my life because what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, but it was literally like living through hell. I made contact with several entities including one that I knew as Satan which took on the form of Eva Green, which I masturbated to for several weeks. I would also use a prostate massage and my orgasms were insane, and I would rub my nipples nonstop and sometimes I would be in the same position for hours and days. Sometimes I'd be lucky if I drank even a bottle of water. I lost 15-20 pounds. I would watch these weird MK Ultra and Project Monarch videos on pornhub. It was such a surreal experience, like living in a different dimension where sexuality was my vehicle for understanding the nature of the universe. I have no idea how I'm still alive or how my body could handle what I was doing to it. Absolutely resilient. Doing coke was bad enough, meth psychosis is on a whole other level. I'd stare at my computer screen and open a picture of a girl's face (angie Verona was my go to) and have this surreal sexual odyssey that made me feel like I was seeing angels in Heaven. But then it would quickly turn into some demonic type shit after a few days and I would have visions of demons and succubi being locked away with me in deep dungeons of hell and demonic goth sex club rave parties. Eventually I knew if I took anymore I'd be pushing my luck and I heard aliens telling me to stop one time so I did.