>>50998059I did not expect a thread worshipping me, but I couldn't expect less from the bootlicking rabble that I turned you all into. Even now, as I am promoted to a cozy office in TPC with company provided hookers and cocain 24/7, I stare at my window and wonder what type of stool is being dumped in GameFreak's toilet for us to sell you at the end of the year. The Pokémon experience is much about humiliation as it is about making mediocre games and watch adults fighting among each other in my name.
I was a fucking music composer that they made into a game director. Now you are stuck with
>a pedophile on probation which I got out of jail and who did not even have the balls to say we were culling half the Pokedex from SwSh - which I did with a smile on my face (Ohmori)>some british weirdo who lies to children for them to buy my game whose wife I banged and whom I adopted after his parents desinherited him (Merrick)>my childhood friend who did not work a single day in his life and just crashed in my couch splitting the hooker bill (Ishihara)>a team of completely incompetent idiots which I either hired to fetch me coke or who sat on my casting couch (read the 'bugs in anus' affair, it is all true)>a fanbase that has abandoned any reasonable standard of quality and that keeps buying trash at a steadier pace (you)There is no escaping from me. This IP is forever scarred.
I destroyed Pokémon.