>>51014042It did a decent job of building character arcs, even if it's no masterpiece it's definitely my favorite pokemon movie. Every major character had some personal issue to work on - the runner who got hurt and quit, the chronic liar trying to impress the people he loved, the woman who grew bitter with grief, the scientist who lacks confidence despite his skill, the young kid who makes mistakes trying to do what's right on her own. Everyone learns and grows from working together, not just the kids learning from the adults or everyone learning the same exact lesson so they can really shove that one thing down the audience's throat. Much better than the mindless "legendaries are upset at each other and having a fight that inconveniences everyone" or the overused "someone's trying to claim a legendary's power for themselves and needs to be stopped" plots most pokemon movies follow, those got old fast because they're all the same paint-by-numbers formulas with not much else going on to shake things up.