>>51016226The Pokemania craze was cool to live through looking back, I'm 31 by the way, every kid in school had a Gameboy and a link cable on them everyday and that's all we would do at recess and on the bus, battle, trade and talk about Pokemon. I remember all the guides and begging my parents for every piece of merch and how my friend pulled a 1st ed Charizard card at his birthday party also how I punched some kid in the face at summer camp cause he tried to be slick and not trade my Gengar back to me after agreeing to do a trade back with his Machamp, good thing the camp counselor played Pokemon too, which goes to show how everyone played it back then even high school kids, and made the kid trade it back after the other kids explained what happened. I still got in trouble for hitting him but nothing crazy I got my Gengar back so I was happy and made it known that bullshit like that wasn't gunna fly at camp that summer.
I respect anyone's opinion who lived through pokemania and started with Gen 1 but Gen 2 for me though is the peak for the games they are my favorite and most replayed, maybe because that when my parents got me a GB Color instead of the GB Pocket so everything looked so much better on the GB Color. The fact that going back to Kanto for more badges and battle Red as a final boss I thought was cool as fuck even though it was a stripped down Kanto I didn't care/know back then. Gen 2 had the best sprites too the laid back atmosphere and the music made it that much better. Despite some new Pokemon like Misdreavus, Murkrow and Houndour being locked until after the E4 I still love gen 2. All 3 should of been available before reaching the 5th gym though, the Misdreavus one pissed me off since I like ghost types it should be available at the burned tower right away, perfect spot for it and Murkrow should of been a night time encounter at Ilex Forest and I think route 38 or 43 would be a good place to put Houndour in.