>>51038099Literally the most overrated Pokémon in existence. I hate this nigger like you wouldn't believe. It's not even the worst starter evo design, yet it's still the bottom of the barrel as far as they go simply on account of being the most forced, over-rated, fan-wanked shitmon of all time. It's worse than furbait like Lucario, it's worse than the corporate mascot that is Pikachu, it's worse than edgefaggots like Zoroark and Ninjask, it's worse than actual shit designs like the Simitrio, it's worse than plain boring designs like Dewgong or Rapidash. It looks like it was designed by a 11-year-old kid who wanted a cool dragon. I can't fucking stand how many of you fellate over this store brand dragon manlett, this dollar store excuse for a Fire starter evo, this waste of wings, this four-times-weak-to-stealth-rock waste of a dex entry. Giving it a all those shit gimmick special formes and changing it's shiny to the edgiest shiny sprite known to man doesn't help. Every single one of you who were live in the nineties and picked Charizard over Blastoise or Venusaur were, and still are, sub-70iq, shit-flinging apes with 0 taste on 100 autism.
With kind regards, Venusaurchad.