>>51081731Sad but true. It's especially dumb because on top of getting them paid, this sort of concept would open a lot of opportunities for them, too. They could break the normal patterns they've been forming for generations by doing weird games instead. Let's Go style games could come out alongside Arceus style games and no one would bat an eyelash. They could get more thrid party companies to make games as they see fit so long as they have Home connectivity and everything would be fine.
>>51081733Maybe? See the issue with that would be the new release games. You'd want to balance the system in such a way that people would still want or need to buy newer iterations of specific games and that means making certain functions only available in specific new releases that aren't Home. From a fan perspective and a player perspective? Fuck yes, breeding and EV/IV min maxing integration would be great. But from a business standpoint, they'd have to weigh the pros and cons to determine if apps like that are good or if they'd replace the functionality of game releases too much. If GF was cool, they'd do it. If they decided they liked money more, they wouldn't.
>>51081769Sort of. It's more like it would turn it into a franchise of games with a single central through line program. I think it would be more like: if the games themselves are MMOs, Home is the network they all run through. If there were multiple MMOs that could swap inventory items and gold back and forth, Home would be the central network system they all run through that keeps that inventory and gold counted and saved. The MMO network isn't really a game, but it's supplemental to all the other games and is necessary to make them work. Home would just have small additional systems that would make it a functional game on top of all of this. It would be similar to but wouldn't be the same as the games it connects to. If that makes sense, I know I'm talking in circles a little there.