>>51082218The fetus at that stage can barely even be classed as alive. It can't feel, think, feel pain, or form and retrieve memories. It's just a clump of cells until a few weeks before it comes out the womb.
And yes, you are a humungous asshole for wanting to force women to have to go through a potentially life-threatening medical procedure against their will, and I don't care if I get called a Redditor or a Twitter tranny or whatever for saying that. Some of you spend way too much time on this God-forsaken website that you forget what it's like to be human. Have some fucking empathy for once for fuck's sake you fucking weirdos.
P.S. The rest of the developed world is constantly watching and laughing at the state of your country. I've said it before and I've said it again: the US is just a white Middle East. Christianity is just a white Islam. There's virtually no difference between how the two act and behave when you really look into it. Abortion is a basic human right. You are stuck in the past because for whatever fucking reason you are overly obsessed with muh religion and muh tradition to the point where you are frightened of any kind of change. You are seriously pathetic and I can't put into words how much your disgusting country upsets me. And I don't even live there. That should tell you all you need to know.