>>51128417Well, the first obvious is that not all Pokemon will ever be in one game ever again. The fact that you can bring forward things continuously to each new generation was one of my favorite things about the franchise. It was something no other game could offer.
I like the feeling of growing my collection of Pokemon each gen. Sure, I don't use the old stuff when playing through, but once done I like using my old and new stuff for whatever new facilities there are or other challenges. I have Pokemon going all the way back to Gen 3, and them and Pokemon of subsequent gens I liked to get the battle facility Ribbons on them as a sort of "achievements" for each of them.
Honestly, an issue I have with modern games is the pattern started since Go and then Let's Go, and them placing more emphasis on catching for the sake of catching. That is, they just expect you to catch Pokemon, some times the same ones, over and over again. Catching has always been a major part of the series, but the approach in the newer games feels different. Its hard to explain, but before it felt like a means to and end, to use the Pokemon or that you didn't need to catch what you didn't want, now it just expects you to continuously catch Pokemon over and over, regardless of how much of that Pokemon you might have.
Thats kind of why I hated Arceus, as when you don't really want to catch Pokemon, or at least more than just what you intend to use, you notice that the game lacks anything else to really do. Even Raids from SwSh had this feel, more than just teaming up to fight you were expected to do it just catch the same Pokemon over and over.