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No.51174831 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Posted here a couple months ago about making an all forms dex in pokemon home. Finished it today, and pretty happy with myself. It was fun to dig through my old carts, dust off the 3ds and hunt down alt forms for everything. For anyone looking to do this now here we're the hiccups i hit
>Furfou forms can only come from Pokemon go, cant be transfered from x, it will just revert. You are best off trading for these, as much of a pain as it is.
>Event mons like the different hat Pikachu's, fancy and PokeBall vivillions are going to be major blockers as they are currently unavailable. I was lucky as i had all but fancy vivillion, found someone willing to trade on a discord.
>Unbound hoopa has to be made unbound in S/M/US/UM, then transfered to bank, then moved to home to retain it's form. otherwise it is not transferable.
>ORAS has a non-event deoxys, it takes a full playthrough but a good way to get additional ones on your own time
>Alcremie sweets can be made with the cram-o-matic, including the event ones. Look up recipes and get lucky!

I know the Pokedex itself isn't a sign I have it boxed, but its the easiest way to show I have everything in home in a single image