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Posted here a couple months ago about making an all forms dex in pokemon home. Finished it today, and pretty happy with myself. It was fun to dig through my old carts, dust off the 3ds and hunt down alt forms for everything. For anyone looking to do this now here we're the hiccups i hit>Furfou forms can only come from Pokemon go, cant be transfered from x, it will just revert. You are best off trading for these, as much of a pain as it is. >Event mons like the different hat Pikachu's, fancy and PokeBall vivillions are going to be major blockers as they are currently unavailable. I was lucky as i had all but fancy vivillion, found someone willing to trade on a discord. >Unbound hoopa has to be made unbound in S/M/US/UM, then transfered to bank, then moved to home to retain it's form. otherwise it is not transferable. >ORAS has a non-event deoxys, it takes a full playthrough but a good way to get additional ones on your own time >Alcremie sweets can be made with the cram-o-matic, including the event ones. Look up recipes and get lucky! I know the Pokedex itself isn't a sign I have it boxed, but its the easiest way to show I have everything in home in a single image
Now do the Dex per game and after that are the Moves and Abilities dexes, if you anyone have all of that, i kneel Also>Alcremie sweets can be made with the cram-o-matic, including the event ones. Look up recipes and get lucky! Those were a pain in the ass
Ok? But do you actually get anything for doing all that work? like completing the dex gets you magearna
>>51174831 Congrats! It's something I'm aiming to do, recently threw together a spreadsheet and organised my Home boxes, turns out I am only about 200 shy already, most of those being Gen VI. So I'll line those up all ready to go when Bank goes free in March
>>51174938 Moves and abilities I'll do, dex per game feels redundant to be honest. Mine got reset awhile ago and I just stopped caring about that page
>>51174943 It was fun
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>>51174980 Gen 6 was my main blackspot as well. White flabebé was pretty annoying, but once you catch one, you can breed the other 2 you need.
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https://youtu.be/_pX9obSoQq0 Remember that you can get all the gen 4 and 5 events if you have those games
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>>51174989 >Mine got reset awhile ago and I just stopped caring about that page Wait what? How in the fuck that happe...
>ILCA Of course
>>51174831 I'm working on this thing, currently on 1242/1304, but I only have Pokemon GO and Pokemon HOME in my disposal, so I did A LOT of trading.
My hiccups and tips:
> even after recent 2.0.0 update, there are still no way to search in GTS for G-Max forms, Pikachu in hats, Fancy and Pokeball Vivillon, antique forms of Sinistea and Polteageist > Mythicals are only tradeable between friends In terms of mythicals:
> Pokemon GO special researches can give you Mew, Celebi, shiny Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, Meloetta, confined Hoopa and Zaude > You can get more than one of Deoxys, Darkrai and Genesect, (including shiny), from Pokemon GO raids, more than one Meltan and Melmetal (including shiny) from Pokemon GO mystery box > Paid Pokemon GO event can also give you shiny Mew, land forme of Shaymin and sky forme of Shaymin Anonymous
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>>51175865 The shiny Mew, paid Shaymin and Zarude events are over now though.
Shaymin will probably be made available free eventually.
>>51174831 I've never had an issue with Furfrou as I had it in Bank and Home just copied its dex. Same with Hoopa(and luckily Vivillon as my 3ds with the event ones broke).
Its weird everyone had issues with Furfrou.
Do Pokemon not register to the Pokedex on your phone if you don't get on Home on your phone while the Pokemon are in your box? I filled out a couple of the dexes on my Switch a while ago, but when I got on my phone to see what I had none of the game dexes were filled.
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>>51175897 It can be very inconsistent.
>>51175865 Braver man than I, having all my old games in a stack made this much easier. PoGo isn't super popular in my area so not really able to get stuff from raids
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>>51174831 > He pays for home Anonymous
Not sure how up to date this image is
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>>51175958 Use remote raids.
There's apps for that.
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>>51175885 That doesn't count
I fucked up with the Hoopa. I thought I had thought of everything before transfering from Bank to Home but no, I didn't get to transform Hoopa in the Alola games. I'm working in getting the last missing mons from PLA and SWSH. But I have no way to register Hoopa Unbound. Feels bad, man.
The all forms thing is fine, but it's better if it's a living dex. I've got nearly everything, all I'm missing is two extra Deoxys, two hat chus and the two event Vivillions. Otherwise, every form, gender, gmax available mon and event is there.
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>>51176012 Yeah I have it as a living dex, just didn't feel like screenshotting 50+ boxes
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>>51175997 Not completely accurate. You can't box origin form palkia and dialga for example, nor alt typed Arceus. They all just immediately revert when you try.
I used
supereffective.gg s dex tracker to keep track of what I had vs what I was missing, it's an accurate and up to date list for the home dex
>>51176012 Having a living dex is what allows me to order them by family instead of number which is the only thing I care about
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>>51176004 You'll probably find folks willing to trade it, but it's likely cloned. If you can live with that, go for it
>>51176090 Having them in line like that would piss me off whenever new regional variants come out, having to shuffle everything around. I put alt forms at the back to make expansion easier. Easier to move full boxes than shift everything 2 to the left
>>51176110 Yes, it is indeed annoying to reorder them when new forms are added but my autism enjoys the order too much. It's like looking at an expanded version of a gen 1 poster where everything made sense.
>>51176130 >>51176110 I dunno about you guys but I just favorited all mine. Then sorting by favorites gives me a living dex in the Nat dex order. Did you both really suffer the tedium of Home on Switch doing the box sorting?
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>>51176177 I had the main living dex since like, gen 5, and have been just adding onto it since then. This was just an expansion of that. The good ol' days when I didn't have to work for a living and could spend 6 hours fiddling with pokemon boxes. Now I work from home and can only spend 3 hours at a time. It's a tough life
Nothing happens when you stop paying right? I completed my dex and don't have need to touch it for a while so my plan is on basic. They won't get deleted right?
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>>51174831 Amazing, congrats!
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>>51176234 Bank always threatened to delete your mons but never did in my case. Not sure about home