>>51213842I suppose but the intent is still pretty blunt, outside of the Mangosteen people eat those things straight up.
Farfetch'd also is still valid in this case, as he's meant to be the average roast duck.
>>51213846Bulba-Venus flower is a pretty risky take as while lore doesn't really match it to its appearance; the line is still poison type.
And the Rafflesia does have a similar nectar to what the line has, even if Venu is nice smelling.
Also as a unmentioned choice in regards to Rafflesia;
>Gloom: What appears to be drool is actually sweet honey. It is very sticky and clings stubbornly if touched. Its mentioned not everyone hates the smell and the dex talks about it being sweet so its probably perfectly fine as long as your nose is fucking dead.
No clue what the fuck a voltorb core is, what. Ditto sounds attrocious to eat considering i'd wager its moreso like a giant worm but it would probably be edible.
Course that goes for a lot of these.
Grotle is weirdly the one whose specified in regards to the berry growing, the whole ecosystem gimmick means Torterra has to retain it though.