>boot up pokemon Red just as in the good old days
>starter time, choose charmander
>blue, of course, challenges me to a catch off and challenges me to catch a new pokemon before he can
>I beat him and proceed
>I, of course, beat him using the pokeballs immediately given to you at the start of the game that I did not have to go out of my way to purchase and wait for to be available, since this game is about catching
>get past viridian forest without fighting any trainers since battling is optional and not required to beat the game
>now for Brock
>beat him and get his badge by catching more pokemon than him, just like how it's done for all eight badges and the league
>progress onward to Mt Moon and satisfy the mandatory number of pokemon caught required to keep going
>team rocket encounters consist of catching pokemon faster than they could, as usual
>meet Bill and beat misty as I did brock, she like all gym leaders doesn't give me a TM because the game's focus isn't battling
>instead, I get an ultra ball (nice!)
>slowly make my way to the safari zone
>here, things are different. Instead of the usual bait and rock system throughout the game, your own pokemon can engage in battle with the wild ones. Definitely one of the things that shows battling is not the most core aspect of the game since it's only a safari thing.
>eventually make my way to the league
>beat the elite four in catch offs
>beat my rival by completing the pokedex, who claimed he was the strongest catcher in the world
>level 5 charmander appears in the hall of fame
Ahh.... what a nostalgic ride through these wonderful classics....