>>51224744> Gen I - Leader of the criminal organization in the region, previously fought twice with PC> Gen II - Cousin of regional champion, also a notable member of the dragon clan of the region> Gen III - Either a famous PokeContest participant or his mentor> Gen IV - Close friend of Elite Four member who had a short plot point about losing their passion for battling> BW - Either the mayor of the city or a prodigy of battling> B2W2 - Athletic fisherman who briefly helps PC and asks stupid questions> Gen VI - Caretaker of Pokemon that are protected in the Pokemon Village> Gen VIII - Rival of the region's champion and extremely popular icon online (in-universe)Yeah I'd say Marlon's probably the most lowkey final gym leader, Juan would probably be second but even him and Wallace have the whole fusing contest performances with Pokemon battling going on. Could argue against Iris as well if you're only considering BW and not the role she'd have by B2W2. I'd say in terms of relevance it'd go;
Giovanni >> Raihan = Clair > Drayden > Wallace > Volkner > Wulfric > Iris > Juan > Marlon