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No.51226368 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is the ashnime so poorly written?

>Lvl 33 Torracat Fire Blast vs. Lvl 49 Scizor: 120-144 (84.5 - 101.4%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
>Lvl 33 Torracat Fire Blast vs. Lvl 50 Scizor: 120-144 (82.7 - 99.3%) -- 0.0% chance to OHKO

Even worse, in the games that Scizor is Lvl 63! Which means that even a critical hit would be useless:

>Lvl 33 Torracat Fire Blast vs. Lvl 63 Scizor on a critical hit: 136-168 (75.5 - 93.3%) -- 0.0% chance to OHKO