>>51238194Now, I can't find the sauce on YouTube anymore so take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt I suppose.
Back immediately after SwSh was released there was an interview one of the designers did about ideas they had for the game that couldn't be implemented. One of those ideas was a bigger focus on archeology and "uncovering the past", and the big final reveal for the game would have been that Eternatus was far older than 3000 years, and actually came to the world 20,000 years ago. This had to be scrapped for time, but there would have been a scene of a cave painting of Rayquaza and Eternatus fighting long ago, because Ray tries to fight everyone that enters the atmosphere and that includes Eternatus. The reveal would have been that the Medieval Wolves did the equivalent of clubbing it while it was waking up and forced it back asleep again, rather than fight it's full power.
This is technically psuedo-canon now, because only hints of this remain in game now. The biggest evidence for this is that Rayquaza is roosting when you find it (instead of flying around) and Eternatus came to the planet 20,000 years ago, but only fought the Dogs 3000 years ago (instead of causing apocalypse for all that time).