[29 / 4 / 19]
Electric needs a new weakness. I think it’s best that every type should just have more than two. I’ve heard the argument that it’s not that overpowered because it only hits two types super effectively, but those two types are very common, all Electric mons have access to a status effect, and most Ground mons are slow while most Electric mons are fast.
Dark needs a boost. With the types nerfed for Fairy, Dragon and Fighting both made sense, both that they were somewhat powerful beforehand. But why Dark!? I guess because to make it that every typing has at least one weakness without the use of an ability, hence making the Ghost/Dark typing have a weakness, but what’s the logic? Dark NEEDS a new type to hit super effectively now.
With those in mind, it makes perfect sense to make a Sound type. Makes sense that loud noise can disrupt electricity, and I’m pretty sure certain speeches can spread enragement to communties, so a Sound type would be perfect to hit Electric super effectively and be weak to Dark.
Dark needs a boost. With the types nerfed for Fairy, Dragon and Fighting both made sense, both that they were somewhat powerful beforehand. But why Dark!? I guess because to make it that every typing has at least one weakness without the use of an ability, hence making the Ghost/Dark typing have a weakness, but what’s the logic? Dark NEEDS a new type to hit super effectively now.
With those in mind, it makes perfect sense to make a Sound type. Makes sense that loud noise can disrupt electricity, and I’m pretty sure certain speeches can spread enragement to communties, so a Sound type would be perfect to hit Electric super effectively and be weak to Dark.