>>51290329Listen i have lived all my life in spain, If the leaks are true there is a lot if spain influenced designs.
Lechonk: iberian pig, black in color one of the most iconic animals of spain selected and breeded to produce Jamon "de pata negra" (of black leg).
Olive: while you may associate it with italy due to italian marketing spain has ond of the highest grades of quality of olive oil , not only that but a big chunck of the country is dedicated to olive production and having an olive on your own garden is not a rarity .
Crane: They are FUCKING everywhere in mid-central spain and they are famous because their ton-weight nest are in the roofs of most churches.
Flamingos: they actually live in spain to the south.
The regional bug being a cricket is fucking accurate , sometimes, specially in summer sleeping outside is a fucking challenge because its FULL of crickets making that sound at such volume that you cant sleep.
Dolphins: same , como across all its coast.
Salt: lots of salt mines across south spain woth very speciallized salts.
thats just some, not going across everything.