>>51295270Contrived things can be used at times for gameplay purposes. No one really raises an issue with contrived stuff about Pokemon breeding with GenI, although it can be a bit funny to laugh at how there's a baby in that kangaroo's pouch from the moment she's born.
But it objectively makes no sense to violate league regs in this case. The E4 already consistently uses items to beat you up like no other. Bosses cheating in the game is a sort of joke--notably how some of their Pokemon can't exist without cheats for the player--so you wouldn't expect them to actually violate a rule that canonically exists solely for the purpose of complying with rules.
>>51296736>dump the rules!!! you need tougher bosses If you just change the fucking rules in the canon you don't even need to do this. They already cheat in numerous ways but going that little line over where you decide to explicitly declare something is against trainer rules and then let the dude recognized as the strongest rule-abiding trainer break them is nonsense. Like seriously, he could just say "I can use two Mega Evolutions in battle to defend my title." or something along those lines, and wow he's exempt now. There's no reason to break rules when they can actually be changed by Game Freak for gameplay purposes. You are simply a faggot who hasn't played a Pokémon game since the 90s.
>>51297598>The AI can>>use infinite items>>switch>>think and plan long term>>can readjust their team to offset the opponent in any way>So relative to the AI you have a lot of advantages, it's not "you both can use the same tools so it's fair".>Either take some shit away from the player or buff the AI, or preferably do both. It's not 1996 anymore, we can accept that Pokemon "not being like other JRPGs" at least in terms of player-AI balance is not a good thing.Unironically have you played a Pokémon game long enough to fight E4? They're the only AI who actually do anything on par with a player.