>>51310163This was when the group disbanded:
>Guy started selling his vidya collections to... idk, make some quick bucks I guess (was broke af and hoped to make the abridged series popular enough to make some merch profit like TFS or something like that).>Tranny was angry at the guy and kept trash talking him in each streams or whatever>Other guy (and the sanest one of them all) was third wheeled throughout the entire procedure and left quietly with little comment on the shitfest. Mostly minded his own business and tried to draw in viewers to his twitch streams. Wasn't very active with his social media account.It's been about 3 years since then. I can't find jackshit of the other two accounts since they're obviously not listed anymore, but mike seems to be mostly regretful of what he did and not to have gone fully over the channel's demise (he made a second update in his youtube community one year ago)