>>51314104Through abject shit writing. Do you think they care if it's realistic? Do you think they care if it makes sense? Do you think anybody is actually checking continuity going "uuuh wait, Pikachu can't deal that much damage because he didn't train enough since last time where he couldn't do half as much...." etc. It's not going to make sense, there's not going to be a power scale that actually works.
Do you really Gary's Nidoqueen was supposed to be massively stronger than Drake's Venusaur and thats why Tauros beat Venusaur but got one-shot by Nidoqueen?
Do you really think Harrison's fucking Sneasel was supposed to be tougher than other pokemon Pikachu has beaten?
Ash winning isn't going to make sense with what has been shown, and it's not going to make sense with what happens later either. Ash will have rematches with Cynthia and Diantha and some of his pokemon will be KO'd without any implications of the other champions having gotten stronger.
Leon's Rhyperior is gonna be knocked out by Sirfetch'd or Dracovish with no regard for what that has to mean for any of their power levels. Dragonite is going to knock out Rillaboom and to the writers it doesn't mean anything about how Dragonite compares to Goodra, and they don't even remember Paul's Garchomp.