>>51344306>GEN I: Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a Poké Ball, they have zapped many people. It is said to camouflage itself as a Poké Ball. It will self-destruct with very little stimulus. In some instances, they have been seen drawing power from the trolleys of electric trains.From this, we learn the basics. It's found where electricity is found, drawing energy from things and using it to attack, it camouflages as a Pokeball, and it explodes.
>GEN II: It rolls to move. If the ground is uneven, a sudden jolt from hitting a bump can cause it to explode. It was discovered when Poké Balls were introduced. It is said that there is some connection. During the study of this Pokémon, it was discovered that its components are not found in nature. This adds stuff we already knew, but throws in something interesting. They have a history with Pokeballs, and this Pokemon is unnatural. Hisui confirmed old wood balls still had Voltorbs.
>Gen III: Voltorb was first sighted at a company that manufactures Poké Balls. The link between that sighting and the fact that this Pokémon looks very similar to a Poké Ball remains a mystery. Voltorb is extremely sensitive - it explodes at the slightest of shocks. It is rumored that it was first created when a Poké Ball was exposed to a powerful pulse of energy. It bears an uncanny and unexplained resemblance to a Poké Ball. Because it explodes at the slightest shock, even veteran trainers treat it with caution. A life-form whose identity is unknown. It is said to screech or suddenly selfdestruct. Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a Poké Ball, it has zapped many people. This adds very little, but it adds something interesting, "A life-form whose identity is unknown." This is an interesting concept that gets expanded upon later. The line about it's creation is also interesting to note, Voltorb was created when a Pokeball received a huge burst of electricity.