>>51393973"clearly" to your subhuman ameriturd brain.
Fagative americans don't have red hair, aren't tall, strong and muscly, they're literally "le two spirited" androgynous estrogen trannies, short and thin, and they don't look like a white and have chink eyes and brown skin. They also tend to be beardless.
What you're thinking of is Amerimutts, Amerishit, in which case he'd have brown hair, a kike nose and be thin as shit.
In Pokemon he's native of the equivalent of Japan, descendant of a literal Jesus-type of character and Gamefreak already confirmed that he was originally designed to be like Jesus (with N), in fact they said they changed him cause he looked too much like Jesus. Although the idea Gamefreak had clearly was that Jesus is an Aryan, while in reality he's a semite. Neither N and Alder look semitic, they look white.
>>51394156One of the strongest, gets beaten by a king of possibly the strongest organized terrorists that has a main legendary which is also the part of a giant that can burn/electrify the entire world. His ancestor is also possibly the strongest trainer that ever existed and first to reach and beat up Arceus, even causing Arceus to be interested in humans. Not to say the ancestor is a Celestial, shown to be a strictly blonde/red haired race. The equivalent of irl Aryans.
Your amerishit "dIeVeRsiTy" deviations don't work on me, faggot.