>>51420018>It's guaranteed to get Bitter Blade, Flare Blitz, Sacred Sword, Shadow Sneak, and Swords Dance.I don't care if some random fuck screenshot me or anything just to have a "LOOK I TOLD YOU SO" moment, but what make you believe this pokemon is going to get all of those moves? (Not counting Bitter Blade since that's its signature move and a new move in general) Remember, this is Gamefreak we are talking about. The same Gamefreak that made Dragapult to be a PHYSICAL ghost pokemon (120 attack stat) with ONE(1) physical ghost move. And that ghost move is Phantom Force. It doesn't even learn Poltergeist; the new and best ghost move to ever be made. (We don't even know if Poltergeist is even returning)
Honestly, this isn't even me saying "Don't expect this Pokémon to get these moves" type of deal but more of a "How the fuck do you still trust Gamefreak like this when they have fuck over many Pokémon before in the past?" thing.