>>51435493A lot of teens don't have friends and that's only getting truer by the day, even more now with the COVID psyop, and you're in a literal videogame board=that promotes antisociality and the half asserted unnatural, false sociality of this society that is only a mask to their real intents of it
I isolated myself as a teen on purpose mostly cause average people diisgust me to shit. I can't be around them without fighting them at some point for being defected abominations
Here having sex with someone that isn't an ugly as shit whore isn't exactly that easy, anyway for you Americans nothing of this would ever matter since 1 out of 5 of you has a STD, youre deranged in all the jewish ways so sex is your first way of spreading your degeneracies and you'd have sex with anything.
I'm not a virgin since having sex in this society takes nothing, I had it but didn't like it at all cause I'm a normal white man and occasional sex with even an average looking person is disgusting to me. Actually my first sexual experience was at 5 with another child. I still consider me a virgin until I have actual good sex with normal people, but mostly my parents made me antisocial and distrustful as a child by sending me to a christian school once they've known I had sex with another kid. In a way, that's been good, since being alone in this society for a normal alpha man is the only possibility with very little instances that can be acceptable otherwise. If I finished having my normal childhood and had good teenager years, I would be the same drugged, infected, faggot subhuman weak slave drone as everyone of you modern zombies. in fact my brother himself was trying to bring me into that exact path as a child. I also had friends as a teen until I kicked them all away for being mentally handicapped subhumans.
But I'd gladly have sex with normal whites, once I meet them if they even still exist. Otherwise sex with myself is better than what any of you subhumans can offer