>>51441412>both gen fans should get along.They used to, most Pokefans got along decently but Gen 1/2 fans were basically one in the same. However, times have changed. There are very few people who actually enjoy Pokémon anymore. Most current "fans" only like Pokemon because its the biggest franchise in the history of the world after Disney. They only used it as a tool to shitpost and troll.
Modern Gen 1 fans hate Gen 2 because of how interconnected the two gens are. They consider Gen 1 to be an untouchable pedestal solely due to being first and everything else after is an aberration at best. They tolerate other gens solely because they don't have to associate with them, but Gen 2 has a special place of hate in their hearts due to being a direct sequel. If you hate your neighbor you can build a fence, if you hated your baby sibling tough shit.
Meanwhile, Gen 2 fans are angry due to Gen 2 being constantly undervalued and how other Pokefans refuse to acknowledge anything good about Gen 2 other than its connection to Gen 1. Not helping is Game Freak/TPC constantly neglecting Gen2, and the very rare times Gen 2 gets any respect or acknowledgement, Gen 1 somehow steals the spotlight.
I didn't say "modern Gen 2 fans because Gen2 fans are almost extinct. The people who grew up with Gen 2 mostly left the franchise at this point. Also Gen 2 is also a common scapegoat trolls used to deflect from flaws in newer games (Gen 1 used to be a scapegoat too due to "muh glitches" but it gets saved in recent years by all the pandering it get so Gen 2 gets all the heat). Also most newer fans who haven't played older games take all the insults about Gen2 at face value and end up believing all the myths and exaggerations about Gen 2.