>>51448980Bottom model better
Top has better aniamtions and stadium design at least I like BR Stadiums more.
A lot of the models for the games are good they just animations or they look to chunky like gyrados could have stretched out more so it looks more snake like same with onix.
I feel like there is a middle ground where you have more impressive battles while not having to give 900+ mons all more animations.
maybe more dynamic camera angles during the attacks that could mask up more of the unpolished stuff.
Example Blazikens knee jab on double kick right before the animation ends it gets a close on the pokemon getting hit and your brain can fill in the detail of them getting kicked, instead of turn. Hop. turn back into place. Hop again. Turn back into place. even if that is faster it feels way slower because are seeing a whole lot of nothing, like honestly why didn't they just cut the move out at that point.