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Stat Changes to Improve Shitmons

No.51454395 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It always pains me to see that some Pokémon are just doomed to be shitmons due to
>Horrible Stat Distribution
coupled with
>Typing that goes very much against said Stats
I've thought of a few mons that need a change to these factors (Not even a BST increase in most cases, just a switchup).
The most greivous example I can think of is Onix. It's a trade evolution, and didn't start off with an evolution, so has no reason to be this weak. I propose: The New Onix.
Base Stats:
>70 HP
>20 Attack
>90 Defense
>90 Special Attack
>20 Special Defense
>90 Speed
>385 Total (Unchanged)
Typing: Rock/Dragon
Ability: Intimidate/Sand Veil
Additional Level-Up Moves:
>Twister (Already learns this)
>Dragon Rage
>Dragonbreath (Already learns this)
>Power Gem
>Dragon Pulse
As should be obvious this turns it into a Special Attacker. Considering GF found it acceptable to give it such pathetic Attack, I find this appropriate.
Now, Onix still drops dead to any Special Attack, but now it can at least hit stuff. It's still physically tanky, but not in an overpowered way given the boosts to its other stats. Onix is also now speedy enough to hit most Ice Types with a Super-Effective Rock move.
I think Onix would be quite useful given these changes, and a lot more fun than the giant rock serpent being a complete pushover. Kanto would also receive a second Dragon-Type, which would be sensible since the region boasts a "Dragon" master in Lance.
I'll post more Pokémon in need of changes ITT.