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1 h4t3 ALL n0nwh1tes

No.51470628 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Th3y'r3 all: d3fect3d, d3f0rmed, ST1NKY, ugly, h0rr3ndous, p0op skin color, gnome, w34k as shit, illness-ridden, g3n3tically deformed, inbred, shitty, disgusting, childish, 1nc4pable, impaired, leeches, h0rr3nd0us 4bomin4tions that only exist to spr34d their diseases, useless, INACTIVE, sl0w, r 3 t 4 r d 3 d, mentally h4ndic4ppated, drugged, d3generate, pedophi1l1c, abominio, obs3ss3d with children, faggots, trannies, lgbt, effeminate, androgynous, YUCKY!!! no, too horrendous. Never get close. Unwashed. Covered in shit. Unattractive. Repulsive. Go away NOW. Never come back. Stupid. Idiotic. Dumber than a monkey. Unnatural. Failed. Fatherless. Raped. Abused. DISGUSTINGLY ESTROGENIC!! Hated. P A T H E T I C. Ostracized. No one likes the. They hate themselves an their own faggot race. Rapist. Can't reproduce. Cut their own foreskins. Impose themselves anti-sex rules to stop themselves from being faggot rapists 24/7. African. RIDICOLOUS hahahahahahahaha. Clown. Circus. Deviated monkeys to laugh at. Definitely not good... Evil. Over the edge. Exaggeratingly disgusting!! Disappear. Don't know shit. Can't do shit. Why they're here. Only exist to infect everything and bring it to decadence and death. Goblins. Demons. Can't survive properly. Can't survive at all. Foodless. Starving... Disappear forever from existence! Never belonging. Sad. Depressed. Angry with themselves. Suicidal. Mentally ill. Brainlet