>>51472498bulba was the creator's favorite mon and is busted in RB. Obviously they switched to making charizard the shillmon and blastoise a secondary shillmon in the west, but bulba was the shillmon prerelease. He is also the one Red uses in most of the promo material.
>worst movepoolwhat?
vinewhip rapes the first 2 gyms. razor leaf is always a critical hit. Growth boots his already best special stat of all 3 starters which is even better since it is special attack and special defense. leech seed, poison powder and sleep powder are all good utility moves, especially sleep powder with the broken gen 1 sleep. And then for TMs he had the broken toxic that could stack with leech seed and the 4 really good normal moves, ie body slam, take down, double edge and hyper beam.
The only part of his movepool that sucks is sleep powder is too late for in game use, cut is a shitty HM that he has access too that a kid might give him by accident and that he can't learn strength so you need to give him body slam, which is a move multiple mons want or double edge/takedown which are lesser moves and that hyperbeam is wasted on him so it isn't worth grinding for