>>51499150After 5 runs on the >Godzilla Pikachu prompt
>>51499114Bottom right has most potential from this set
>>51499124I like all 4 of these, but they all need work
>>51499133Another fun set overall, but they all need polish, top left is a favorite
>>51499148Bottom left personal favorite in this batch
>>51499154Top right the most interesting image this time because there's two distinct creatures, giving us the basis of an evolutionary line
There's a couple of different routes to go from here
A) you tweak the prompt having seen the results you've seen to try and achieve something closer to the concept you're envisioning
B) you keep running the same prompt to further explore the variety it spits out
C) you take the images you've got, and use them as concept pieces to work up a new design from
Of course you can also do a mixture or all of the above.
Out of the material posted before the godzilla chu set, the best examples from my perspective so far are
>>51498779>gundam>>51498933>grapesBut some of the others are interesting too
>Anthropomorphic Kawaii Godzilla Pikachu, mean eyes, determined grin, electrical dinosaur color schemeIn pic rel I've expanded on my prompt in an attempt to refine the outputs.
It's less about getting a finished product, and more about exploring possibilities.