>>51522541>Barry literally stops you before you challenge the Elite Four to face him. Tell me how to avoid that fight, moron.Anon I'm talking hypothetically. It is possible to avoid Barry by using cheats, but you cannot avoid the leauge guards even using cheats because they will first ask for your badges and only then will the door be open.
>You're the one who moved the goalpost of linearity from traversing throughout the region to battling specific trainers out of order. Gym leaders and rivals are counted as different important NPCs. This is not what I decided, but this is literally how the game treats it. And anyways, your whole argument is shitty since you can't defeat any trainer in Unova out of order, gym leader or rival so I'm not sure what you're arguing here.
>And now, you're mad that I'm taking it further? How about you actually play the games instead of being a disingenuous faggot on /vp/. Oh the irony. You're the one conflating two different groups of NPCs as one and the same despite the game itself saying otherwise
>Cheats can bypass battling in general. Idk why you need to bring up a dumb point.It's to show how the game works, faggot. The cheats show that the game works internally.