>>51527085there was no "Them" it was completely
in JN they either retconned the crush or she grew out of it. they did her extremely dirty in her return.
she liked Ash there was no "them" Ash never showed any romantic interest for her ever.
rouge director ignored past lore and inserted his own.
JN retconned the childhood camp thing.
not as popular as previous FEMCs
JN hid her ribbon in flashbacks and gave her a new outfit, to hide any "romance"(if there was any in the first place) and to show growth
bad character overall no personality poorly written.
There was NO advertisement for her at all of any kind, if you were a casual viewer you would have never know she was back until after the ep aired.
no advertisement of any kind
no merch
no promotion
a single-page interview with the VA the day before
moving the ep air date
nothing of note in dialogue with Ash
a pro-arourshipping writer asked to write for the ep and was denied. the ep was written by the guy who did kennys lighthouse ep(serena is seen by a lighthouse when we first see her)
JN evolved her brexin into its less popular final evo
shes tied down with another character now.
there is actually something really interesting about her ep air date, her ep was actually moved in the lineup and the eps that were brought moved in its place were team rocket eps. This was done even though it would now mean that TR's anniversary date is now occupied by her ep. That's right, they moved her ep even though it would mess up the anniversary of TR.