>The game features 3 different routes centered around Nemona, Arven, and Penny which all connect at the end of the game >In the Penny route you have to fight the 5 admins of Team Star, where it's revealed that all of the admins + Penny are siblings. Penny is naturally passive and refused to join Team Star despite her siblings' wishes. You can see some of the Team Star in Penny though whenever she gets angry. >Team Star's goal is to steal the Box Legendary from the player simply so they can have a cool new ride and that's literally it >Team Star's motive clashes with the main antagonist's goal so it's a fight between you versus Team Star versus the main villains. >Arven's route has the player and him discover the goals of the main antagonists and what their goal is >The main antagonist depends on the version you're playing. In Scarlet it's Professor Sada and Violet is Professor Turo. >In Scarlet Sada is Arven's ancestor and in Violet Turo is Arven's descendant. (Cont.)