>>51577353>. If you try hard enough you can consider anything an expy,This. every single gen has expies to some degree mainly due to Game Freak repeating tropes. The gen that does this the least is Gen2 because Gen2 mons were intended to compliment and live along side Gen1 mons rather than take their place or upstage them
Notice how Gen2's "pikaclones" are related to Pikachu(Pichu) or a different type from Pikacu(Marill) to not step on Pikachu's toes
Or how Hoothoot is a nocturnal bird
(implying) to compliment Pidgey being a diurnal bird
Or how Gen2 mons tend to be connected to unique mechanics introduced in Gen2 (swarms, time, of day, new evo items, or specific areas)
Or how the Bug types are specially species not done in Gen 1
Or how Tyranitar isn't a Dragon type since Dragonite serves as the Dragon
Or how Kanto Grass types are creepy carnivorous plants and mostly Poison type so all the Johto Grass type are happy flowers with none being Poison
Or how even the leaders everyone shits on for having stupid teams intentionally use types that no one in Kanto did
Too bad that it resulted in Gen2 mons being the least shilled, least valued, and least respected Pokemon in the franchise, because everyone, even TPC, just sees them as Kanto's lame weakling cousins instead of their own roster, to the point where the starters aren't considered good enough to be in the allowed in the Cool Mon's Club along with Gen1 and Gen 3 starters (not getting Megas, not being allowed in Galar, etc). Keep in mind that starters are usually the most shilled group of Pokemon.
Seriously, with how everyone shitposts out Johto "leaning on Kanto", and how Gen2 is treated overall, how the fuck can anyone be upset for Gen5 for trying to avoid that fate.