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A memory

No.51587529 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't know if this is the right board to ask, but I mean, it's the board for Pokémon so if I want info on the topic, where else am I going to go?

In, I wanna say 2007 or 08, there was a thread on /b/. Alright, there you go, you're in for it now. In it, we were talking about stupid shit we did as kids. Y'know, using a Pokémon example, pressing B + Left watching the pokéball wiggle, knowing that this will definitely increase the chances of catching the thing. One person replies that when he was like 7 or 8, his cat died. He felt so bad and wanted to send the cat off to the afterlife with something he himself found precious and important. So he buried his cat with Pokémon Yellow cartridge. Everyone on /b/ laughed because that's stupid. But then somebody asked if he still lived there, if he knew where his cat had been buried, to tell him to dig up the cart to see if it still worked. The thread went wild as every Anon caught on to the implications; Nintendium. Could it be done?

That Anon found his buried cart and showed it. It was covered in mud/soil, the label was nearly gone. He cleaned it, dried it, opened it and cleaned/dried it again. Eventually he plugged it into his Gameboy discovering that the game still ran but also that he could not save (long-dead cart battery) but he played a game in honor of his dead cat, named Pikachu after said cat.

Alright, you get all that?

I've told this story a few times anecdotally, but I wanted to show the actual pictures from the thread. But I cannot find any reference to this in any "epic threads" threads or anything about it on any defunct 4chan lurker wikis. Nothing about it online, in any archive. Which seems odd because it's amazing that it still worked after spending 10ish years underground.

Are you old enough to have seen this happen? Do you have any material from that incident? Screenshots? Pics he posted of his resuscitated cart? Cellphone pictures of his screen, showing that he'd named his Pikachu after his cat?