>>51634760>"glorified RBY DLCDo Poketubers really not understand the concept of sequels anymore? Also it's completely irrelevant to the difficulty of the game making that comment completely pointless.
Also his argument for Red being easy breaks my brain. His reasoning for him being easy is that inexperienced players have to brute force him by overleveling, but experienced players who understand team building and make use of utility moves like Sing can beat him. This is like saying "Mike Tyson from Punch Out is easy because players who take the time to learn the pattern have an much easier time than players do just go in and button mash"
Also, I love how he says it's "Easy to be overleveled in the Johto Games" but the meme about having the grind for hours to beat them still exists.
When did Gen2 criticism become so stupid? GSC always had critics like all games do, but at least people tried to make actual arguments.