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Post your Fakemon!

No.51668673 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous: >>51661439

Since the last thread was archived, I'll make a new one. Post your designs here, or even ones by other artists that you really like.

I don't have names for any of mine so far, but from left to right -

- Grass/Flying. A duck with leaves for wings. It also has vines for feet, that allow it to ingrain itself in the soil for synthesis.

- Ghost/Electric. A flying lantern, but it kinda looks like a paper bag lol. Inspired by the Chōchin-obake. (I'll probably redesign this one)

- Psychic. It was going to be a regional chu, but I decided to make it pure Psychic instead. It's tail is shaped like a spoon, which is where the source of its power comes from.

Hope you like them, /vp/!