>Templus Machina6 dungeons and a boss fight. You play as Growlithe and Alolan Vulpix, and
then switch over to a team consisting of Umbreon, Illumise and Ralts, seeing their side of the story. The team is searching for a weapon on behalf of the guild, and you mistakenly think they're trying to steal it. Custom graphics. A custom item, Mysterious Relic. When used, it makes a random move effect, similar to orbs. An NPC can trade 1 for an Oran Berry, 2 for a Max Elixir and 3 for a Reviver Seed.
The second team's inventory is nearly full of them at the start, encouraging you to trade them. I did, but the dungeons are easy and it didn't matter. You catch the criminal, and that's it. Between the two stories, you get a choice. Both times I chose to keep going. I assume selecting the other option changes what happens next,
probably making you fight the criminal with only one team, or letting the criminal steal the weapon, but I'd have to replay it to know for sure. Not bad, but not all that interesting either.
Download link:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840183736354996224/968173561636352090/Templus_Machina.zip(US version)