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"Hot and Cold" 2026

No.51698304 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys, sorry for my english, you won't believe it, I have information from my grandfather's maid's nephew's wife's cousin's friend for the tenth generation! It is based in California, America! It's called Hot and Cold, it will be released in November 2026! The starters are Grass bear, Fire snake and Water sea elephant! The hot legendary is Fire/Psychic winged reptile, the cold legendary is Ice/Ghost monstrous standing moose! Unfortunately he didn't give me any further information beyond some new Pokemon that impressed him. A Psychic/Ghost magic carpet, Maractus evolution Grass/Dragon, Fire Hot Dog, Dracula Dark/Poison, Stunt Bigfoot Normal/Fighting and a Megalodon Rock/Water fossil. See you in four years ;)