It's an unfortunate item, because it does a lot of good, but also a lot of bad. While it lets Pokemon like Weavile flourish, it ends up getting used way more often on shit like stall, and compounds a lot of build/mon variety down.
I think Dragonite vs Salamence is a great example of how it harms variety. These 2 used to be in a power struggle until Gen 5, where a great balance was struck. Mence is the more offensive of the two, with mixed/non mixed variety, and scarf sets, where as Dragonite relies on its ability to outbulk and setup, with the caveat of needing to play around hazards.
HBD just shits all over this dynamic. Both are forced to run it because the Rocks weakness is too much to ignore, but Dnite then gets braindead activation of its scale, and eats up Salamence's role in the process. No reason to use Mence when BHD Nite exists.
>>51703791I agree with this. The chip is whats important, rarely is it for the type based damage.