>>51739208Theseus ship is the best comparison I had, but it's still not a particularly great one.
Yes, if you recreate the EXACT conditions that led to every memory and personality quirk they had, for sure they are the same person.
The same way that making a T34 in January 2nd of 1942 with the tools from factory 183 and same metals will make a T34 in January 2nd of 1942 with the same exact imperfections and cracks in armor.
The exact conditions and outcome could literally only come from that specific timeframe, by the exact same workers, working on exactly that steel.
>Death is freedomLiberty or death, they are fundamentally not the same.
Death may liberate you from your worldly woes, but you may never have another happy moment, you will never experience the joys of living, and you will NEVER grow as a person once you die.
>>51739190Yeah, human ingenuity was pointed out in another post. And whose to say you won't naturally pick up on those? Only so many ways to use an M2 flamethrower, or a pickaxe, or a rocket ship. At some point, you're pound to figure it out, and likely far before you die.