>>51730389You will never have sex with the women you simp for.
You will never get the respect from non-whites you don’t want to offend.
You will always be the gender associated with the chromosomes you were born with.
You will never have a cushy “creative arts” job under your dream communist society (you’ll be shot instead).
You will never have a livable wage for jobs that are in fact meant for teenagers.
You will never disprove God.
You will never be seen as the right side of history by any sane person.
You will never truly be a free independent thinking person.
You will never make shitty degrees look like good investments.
You will never pay off your debts you shouldn’t have ever taken.
You will never actually enjoy eating bugs or living in a pod.
You will never actually achieve anything, and will continue to ride on the achievements of others, said achievements being rich people bribing game designers to add “diversity” to media.
You will never find true happiness or love.
You will never love yourself.