>>51738863>Do you think it's fair that Ash is using the powers he has mastered over his adventures with his pokemon as a trainer?Literally how could anyone call it unfair? Nothing stops Leon from stop dicking around in Galar and go to Kalos or Hoenn to search for Megastones and get himself a Charizardite, nothing stops him from going to Alola and try get the favour of the island guardians to get, let's say, a Ghost-Z crystal for Dragapult.
Ash's gimmick gear is a proof of his worth as trainer, it's something he earned, so he should be able to use them. It's like if Ash catched Mewtwo in early Journeys and Leon used Eternatus and said "huh... only one legendary pokemon per team, because I only have one!" Now THAT would be unfair, and nobody should complain if Ash got Nebby's help too and got two legendaries on his team, it's something anyone good enough can do, so why punish Ash's efforts with the failures of the rest?