>>51787882Almost no one has a specific age in any pokemon canon. The only ones I can think of off the top of my head in the player character, who is said to "look to be about fifteen" in PLA and I'm pretty sure gen 1 and/or 2 said you were either 10 or 11. I'm confident no one ever says "Jasmine is N years old" in any of the games or else the obsessive cataloging on Bulbapedia would have mentioned as much. Same for like every character.
So I'm just going to pull some numbers out of my ass.
>Whitney:15 - One of those lucky (?) girls whose body matured waaaaay faster than her brain did. Might actually be slightly autistic or something.
>Jasmine:25 - She kept waiting for her tits to really come in and eventually came to terms with being a member of the itty bitty tittie committee. Is embarassed that she's still mistaken as a much younger girl.
>Claire:31 - She's starting to have her midlife crisis early as she realizes her bio clock is ticking and she's never really been able to find a man for a stable long-term relationship, due to her awful personality.
>Karen:40 - Kinda hard to pin but this is the minimum age to be a Cougar according to Urban DIctionary. I'll give it to her, gal is rockin' it.