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No.51758951 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Terastalize let's you keep STAB
>You gain a third one or get a free adaptability
>You keep STABs in addition to your new defensive type
>No item required
What in the actual fuck were they thinking?
Literally any Pokemon can counter it's counters at any random moment
Every electric will run Ice tera, every Flying will run ground tera, every dragon will run Steel tera...
There will be Electric tera with levitate, grass tera with flash fire, fire tera with water absorb.
Tera blast will give Pokemon coverage they don't have, Landorus with flying move, Groudon with stab fire..
Insane damage output like Normal boomburst Toxtricity, Normal tera guts facade, STAB extreme speed,
Singles is going to be unplayable.