>>51794172Oh please, spare me the "Hurdur ironic" bullshit. Are you capable of making even a single post that's you and not just pre-determined "le 4chan" behavior?
I know how I'm acting, and no it's not self-fulfilling propehcy. I watch you motherfuckers every day "Muh ___ boogieman" and when I point it out, then it's my behavior that it's the same? No, you're still a cunt, me pointing out that you're being a cunt doesn't fulfill any prophecy, it just brings to light that you're a cunt and you can't process someone disagreeing with your anonymous™ approved™ witch hunt so you have to skip to the next pre-programmed drone response.
Genuine question, when was the last time you had an honest original thought, one that was just yours and not shit that you just read on 4chan at some point?