>>51817471Idk man you say that but what Pokemon have kids connected to more than Pikachu and Charizard
You can argue Greninja, Lucario or other shillmon, but they just don't have the literal iconic status of the Kanto mascots. And GF/The Big N will continue to push out Pikachu because it literally prints money. Anecdotal evidence, but just last night, I was out with my kid for 3, 4 hours trick or treating and I saw maybe 20, 25 Pikachus. The only other Pokemon costumes I saw that wasn't boomers dressing up as Ash was 1 Sobble and 1 Torchic, which I mean, come on, get some better taste kids. Hell, my kid's favorite Pokemon is Poliwhirl.
Honestly, I hope you're right and I hope there's a cultural shift and if Pokemon is still around in 20 years, I would love to see the KANTOOO pandering end. But their mascot, literally the face of the franchise resides in the first gen. Let's look at other similar 40+ year media franchises; Mario; the majority will always choose Mario, Peach, Luigi, Yoshi, etc over Baby Bowser, Toadette, Piranha Plant, etc. Transformers; Optimus, Megatron and Bumblebee over Rodimus, Ultra Magnus and Springer. Batman, Robin, Joker over Batgirl, Batwing, Hush. The list goes on. Fact of the matter is, franchise icons have staying power and anything within that icon's vicinity (in this case, Gen 1) is coming along for the ride.
>>51817514I should clarify that i'm talking about 1st ed Base Set and not Unlimited or 2. Also I can't comment on C/UC. I personally don't think they're ever worth anything but I mean they went up this boom, so historically speaking who's to say they won't go up next boom
>>51817675I somewhat agree. For the record, I don't revere Base Set as much as other boomers, but I can acknowledge the impact it had and legacy it left. And again, all this is coming from someone that buys 90% modern