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No.51818536 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else worried about Crimson/Violet DLC?

The problem with sword and shield, as I assume will be the problem with Crimson and Violet is that, DLC is fine. No level scaling is... ugh, but for the sake of the argument, let's say fine.
But DLC AND no level scaling (Having level gating), that's just a bad mix.
Ideally you want DLC that's available from early in the game, this is true for any game. Because doing fresh runs with DLC in mind is entertaining in most games.
But this shit ruined SwSh progression. To be able to start the game, and then within like 30 minutes, to be able to have a full party of level 65 legendaries that are fully obedient to you, that's fucked. But it gets worse when you consider that even with that full party of level 65 legendaries, you still can't capture pretty much anything that just visible in the overworld because level gating. Like yeah, I have six gods at level 100 in my team, all of which obey my every command, but a level 25 magikarp? Oh no, you better do a gym challenge to prove you can control its awesome power of splash.
Generally in most vidya, the way the way to do DLC is to have it build upon the base game. But in pokemon, it very much feels like GF hasn't really gotten a grip on doing DLC well, that's why event pokemon in most cases are still closer to level 100 instead of level 5 or 10. And it's why the SWSH DLC supersedes the game, where even if you have no bike and are too weak to beat anything , you can still roll into them and within minutes come out with an OP pokemon that can steamroll every encounter in the base game. I mean sure with GF it feels like the alternative is to have DLC locked behind post-game which would suck but at least it would feel more like progression.
It's already too late for the new games, but I hope GF fucks off from level gating if they're gonna do DLC with future games.