>>51829773I'll be completely honest, I never played platinum bw2 or ultra sun/moon so I unfortunately don't have a stance on how good the remakes were/are or if they actually did any good changes. only know of ORAS having full party exp share and mega latias/os for free.
Even if I did it'd be 4-10 years of trying to remember how the games were for the base ones into remakes/extra extensions like crystal emerald and the others mentioned, not entirely "remakes" but improvements from the first 2 versions
I played up to gen 5 back when it released then dropped pokemon mostly cause of getting older and not being much of a handheld player. I did finally pick up gen 6/7 a few months before gen 8 released and I'll be honest, alola was terrible while gen 6 had some redeeming qualities but it fell short cause it feels like a rushed generation just to get it out there cause the higher ups pressure which is unfortunate.
Wonder how the remakes for those will be 7 or so years down the line