>>51830478That's how it is. Most of the attacks against Johto that aren't outright lies are warped versions of reasonable criticisms/observations
>Baby Pokemon drag down the dex, Also Unown and Delibird are bad even ingameGEN2 ONLY INTRODUCED WORTHESS SHITMONS
>Gen2's dex leans on the cute side, its not for my tastesEVERYYHING IS BABYS AND NUBS
>Some of the Gen2 pokemon that evolve from Gen1 Pokemon would work better as separate familiesYUCKY WUCKY I DON'T WANT GENPOO MONS NEAR MUH GENWUN
>Pryce being weaker than Jasmine is weird, he's after her in the badge case so he should be stronger BAD LEVEL CURVE! LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE
>The Rocket Segment is a slogTHE ENTIRE GAME IS A BORING SLOG
>Bosses are much stronger than the wild mons and trainers around them TERRIBLE PROGRESSION
>Gen2 Pokemon are a bit out of the way, wish they were easier to get so I can have them on my team sooner GEN2 POKEMON ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND
>I want to use all the new Gen2 Pokemon before the post game ALL THE COOL GEN2 POKEMON ARE IN KANTO
>Gen2 leaders would have better teams if they weren't so afraid of Gen2 Pokemons, I want to see the Gen2 mons in the spotlight, GEN2 POKEMON AREN'T USED BY LEADERS BECAUSE THEY ALL SUCK
>Kind of weird that Johto and its dex seems so intertwined with Kanto even to the point where they share a league JOHTO CAN'T STAND ON ITS OWN, LEANS ON KANTO, KANTO's DL
>The Kanto postgame is kind of barren. Johto could have been much bigger if Kanto weren't in the game JOHTO IS NOTHING WITH KANTO
>Typhlosion and Charizard have the same stats? That's a mildy amusing tidbit THEY LITERALLY COPY AND PASTED THIS! HOW LAZY
>Feraligatr doesn't have a O, Must of had the same problem as Victreebel GEN2 WAS RUSHED
>I wish Johto wasn't so overlooked by Game Freak JOHTO DESERVES TO BE OVERLOOKED BECAUSE IT SUCKS